general / wishlist

People who know me well, know that I love to give gifts when I feel like it, and not for an occasion. I’m not sure if it’s a part of my Chinese/Taiwanese upbringing, but I especially love sharing food or other small things. It is further encouraged when it is reciprocated. My roommate is a regular recipient of many red bean, hot pink, and/or funky things that I encounter, but for the occasions where I have to gift, I often save things that I get from shopping trips and vacations. I then add it to a stockpile for that person. E.g. P’s birthday present was years in the making.

As much as I like to gift, I am not a big fan of presents because I am particular. Luckily, with age, dinners often replace presents and those who gift has been hitting the mark without prompt. If I had to make a wishlist, what would be on my list, or what would I gift if I didn’t have a stockpile?

Image source: respective manufacturers and major retailers.

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