weekends / good friends & good eats

On the road again

Snagged a few samples of the Clarins Double Serum and piled it on with moisturizer pre-flight. I quite like the serum! Pat, don’t rub.

Weddings are a precious time especially when you’re allowed to stand on the sidelines.

Eden Gardens

Waiting for brunch at Griddle Cafe.

Finally met my girlfriend’s toddler. I love pudgy little hands and babies in checks.

Tons of quality time with one of my longest friendships!

Tres leches cake from Porto’s.

Fried boquerones drizzled with honey and saffron at Bäco Mercat.

Root beer + chocolate soda at Bäco Mercat.

Finally tried Jeni’s brambleberry crisp ice cream!

Monday Sundae at Big Gay Ice Cream

Back home and back to the routine!

to drink / {my east village} angel’s share

Angel’s Share (8 Stuyvesant St, NYC; East Village)

This wonderful speakeasy is hidden inside the second floor izakaya, Village Yokocho. If you have trouble looking for that place, remember to look up. Out of all the speakeasies in the area, this is like the stable friend — always there, well put together, and solid. Don’t piss ’em off though — they will nicely put you in your place. I highly recommend their seasonal menu.

Continue reading “to drink / {my east village} angel’s share”

to eat / {my east village} peels, laboratorio del gelato, pok pok wing, and more

1) Peels (325 Bowery, NYC; East Village)

Affogato and a Build a Biscuit (fried chicken, fluffy scrambled eggs, and red eye gravy).

Continue reading “to eat / {my east village} peels, laboratorio del gelato, pok pok wing, and more”